Our Vision
To become a leading organization that provides high-quality, best-choice mobile and wireless solutions for the mission- and business-critical sectors.
Our Mission
To design & provide specialized products that leverage on the latest technologies to deliver seamlessly-integrated wireless communications solutions that enhance the safety and performance of our customers’ operations.
Our Quality Policy
At MWI, we strive to excel in customer expectations and meet legislation & other requirements with continually improving effectiveness and efficiency in all activities.
We work hard, we play hard.
Metropolitan Wireless International is a diverse and fun company with staffs from all around the world!
Logo significance

The colour green in our logo represents Life & Growth
The company aims to provide an active environment where every employee is given equal opportunities and chance to grow along with the company.
The blue oval symbolizes an Egg and the Blue Sky
The egg will always remind us of our humble beginnings and hatch into handsome returns for our partners and customers. As the sky is limitless, so is the company’s growth in providing endless opportunities to partner with.
The white reflection casted upon the blue oval is like a Ray of Light shining through the sky
This signifies hope and a bright future for investments with us.
Head quartered in Singapore and having an off-shore development centre in Bangalore, India, the core team has a stellar track record in designing and deploying successful and highly reliable solutions. Our team is committed to give every customer the best service based on our shared values and trust.
For any further details, please get in touch with us. Check out MWI reviews.