Ambient Data Centre Temperature Monitoring



A data centre functions as the brains and engines of the internet. They are the central hubs for storing, processing, and managing large volumes of crucial data. These centres play a vital role in supporting various businesses and technologies. Its role spans across tasks from web hosting to advanced data processing and so on. Data centres contain sensitive electronic equipment like servers, routers, and storage devices.
In this blog, let’s focus on ambient temperatures in these data centres. Data centres have to be within a recommended temperature range of 18 °C to 27 °C. If the temperature surpasses the recommended range, the equipment is likely to overheat. This, in turn, may result in hardware failures.
A data center is like a human body. If it overheats, it will cause damage. Like getting a heat stroke when working out at a fitness event in the heat of Singapore. So, it shows how important it is to monitor your data center’s ambient temperatures. To prevent overheating, there is a need to install temperature sensors in the data center to monitor ambient temperatures.
Thus, let’s take a look at why it is important for data centres to use temperature monitoring systems.

Why Data Centres Should Implement Ambient Temperature Monitoring

Prevent Overheating & Reduce Chances of Downtime

Data centres can get incredibly hot, and overheating can be disastrous. High ambient temperatures above recommended range causes equipment failures, data loss, and downtime. This results in service disruptions. The fear of any data center experiencing downtime is everyone’s nightmare. It affects both data center operators and individual’s using the site. Thus, monitoring temperatures is vital to keep the data center’s ambient temperature within the recommended range. With this, data center staff can proactively prevent overheating and its associated risks.

Early Issue Detection

Temperature monitoring systems do more than just react to overheating. They also play a crucial role in spotting problems before they escalate. By monitoring temperature patterns, operators can spot cooling system malfunctions or hotspots in the data center. This proactive approach empowers them to schedule maintenance and prevent issues from becoming major disruptions. This ensures smoother operations and fewer service interruptions.

Alert Notifications

A temperature monitoring system sends alerts when there are breaches of temperature thresholds. These notifications enable data center staff to address concerns and put in place corrective measures before they become critical failures. This approach ensures that the data center runs smoothly and efficiently. Thus, this minimizes the risk of costly downtime and service disruptions.

Real Time Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Temperature monitoring systems provide live data monitoring and analytics. This enables data center staff to swiftly make informed decisions. This real time monitoring also helps staff identify and resolve issues. For example, after troubleshooting to fix ambient temperature issues, staff can monitor it for further increases, which may signal unresolved problems.

Compliance & Regulation

Safety guidelines and rules from organizations like ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) determine the temperature and humidity levels for data center operations.
The ASHRAE recommended that temperatures of a data centre should be within 18°C to 27°C. Compliance with these standards are necessary to ensure the reliability of the data center. Temperature monitoring systems make it easier to show adherence to these regulations.

A look into MWI's Temperature Monitoring System for Data Centres


Software Dashboard


Device List


Alert Notifications


With these reasons, having temperature monitoring systems in data centres is essential. They are crucial for keeping the right temperature and preventing equipment failures to ensure the data center works smoothly.


A cooling system is crucial in data centres.

There are different types of cooling systems in data centres. The choice of a cooling system depends on factors like the data center’s size, location, layout and its cooling requirements. Cooling systems dissipate the heat generated by the equipment in the data center environment. It helps maintain ambient temperatures within the recommended range. Without proper cooling systems in the data center, equipment overheating becomes a possibility. This can potentially cause service disruptions for site users.

About Nur Eizlynn

Eizlynn is a sales & marketing staff at MWI. She is responsible for marketing MWI's IoT products through the use of social media, company website and marketing collaborations with other businesses and current customers to generate leads. She is also tasked to follow up with these leads to bring in sales for the business.